April 14, 2014
When we built our home, we loved the oak floors, oak cabinets, island, stairs and railing, but after awhile realized there was too much oak. As you can see, I’ve been adding touches of black throughout each room in our home.
I love ‘black’ and pictured in my mind how the stairs would look with black risers and spindles. One day I found a picture of the stairs I had envisioned and loved it. Seeing the idea in someone else’s home, gave me the courage to tackle the job in our home.
I began scouring the web and magazines looking for how to best do the project. While shopping for the trim at Lowe’s, I discovered that they have ‘Unfinished Oak Interior Stair Treads’, which can be installed right over your existing stairs!
Our home had carpet on the stairs and I hated it! Dave, my husband, and I ripped that out, removed all the nails, tack strips and then cleaned,(something I don’t think happens before the carpet is installed in new homes!)
I painted the risers and the trim along the stairway black, then measured and marked and Dave cut the stair treads. Next, I stained the treads to match our existing oak floor. While three coats of polyurethane on the treads dried, I painted the risers and the trim along the stairway black. (Yes, you must sand lightly between coats of polyurethane.)
Then they were ready to glue down with Loc-tite Heavy Duty Power Grab construction adhesive. Instructions come with the stair treads.
It was easier than I had imagined and our home looks so much better!