May 20, 2014
‘Pink Champagne’ Clematis
Because the winter was so harsh this year, the hollyhocks, which reseed every year, did not do so well. A few came up and the late spring frost killed them. This flower bed is on the southwest side of our home, and the bed still needed some height, so the obvious decision was to add the trellis and clematis there.
According to Monrovia, the clematis roots prefer a cool, shaded area, tops should be in the sun. A planting of wave petunias around the base of the plant should give the roots the shade they need in a short time.
A regular watering schedule of once a week, during the first growing season, is recommended to establish a deep extensive root system.
The blossoms on this clematis are deep-pink and can be 6 – 8 inches across! Looking forward to seeing those first buds…