October 13, 2014

Another post on Pinterest today, caught my attention, ‘Preserving Basil Leaves’. I checked out the blog, Redheadcandecorate.com. The process seemed simple enough. Since the basil in my home garden is sure to be frozen in a few weeks, much to my chagrin, the idea of preserving it seemed like a no brainer. How many years have I just watched the plants turn to mush after a freeze?
Supplies were simple –
Canning Jar & Lid
Extra Virgin Olive Oil
Sea Salt
Clean your fresh basil in cold water and let air dry. Sprinkle a little salt in the bottom of your clean canning jar. (There were comments that the salt was not necessary, but I opted to use it.) Add a layer of basil, then cover with olive oil. Then repeat the layers, salt, basil, olive oil until the jar is full. Put the lid on and store in the refrigerator. The olive oil will solidify in the refrigerator.
When needed, you just scoop out the amount you require, place in a bowl and within a few minutes it will be at room temperature, ready for your recipe. The basil might have some dark discoloration, but it is fine and it does not affect the way it tastes.
Julie says that her aunt stores this for up to two years, but she suggests one year. I can’t imagine not using a jar within a year, however, if you have a bumper crop, maybe you would have a few jars!
Another person commented that he typically just dredges the basil leaf in oil and puts each into the jar making it easier to pull out individual leaves. I like the idea of the basil infused oil.
The basil flavored olive oil could be used in lots of dishes, and how about adding some Italian herbs, mincing the basil, and making a bread dipping oil? It would be perfect for soups and sauces, and salads. I am sure you could think of even more, right?
If you haven’t had Carrabba’s bread dipping sauce, you need to try it. It is addictive. Click here for a knock-off recipe, which is yet again, so simple!