November 30, 2014
We were delighted to find a persimmon tree here in Kentucky; apparently, the people here don’t consider them the treat we did at our home in Indiana. So each fall we gather some, prepare the pulp for this recipe, and package ‘1 cup bags of pulp’ to freeze.
This year, Dave took Aidan to the tree to gather some for the first time. He seemed to really enjoy the adventure. They brought back the ripe fruit and I prepared the pulp again, just as I have so many times over the years. Then Sophia helped me stir up the persimmon roll recipe, which you can find below.
Persimmons have large seeds and the easiest way to gather the pulp is to push it through a colander using your hands.
Above, you can see what the pulp should look like after forcing through the colander – pure deliciousness!

Aunt Hen's Persimmon Roll
- 1-1/2 cups sugar
- 1 cup persimmon pulp
- 1 cup chopped pecans
- 1 cup miniature marshmallows
- 3 dozen Graham crackers, crushed
Stir sugar into pulp. Add chopped nuts and marshmallows. Then add crushed crackers, a bag at a time. It takes a little effort to combine the last of the crumbs into the mixture. (It’s okay to use your hands!)
Form into a roll, using wax paper, secure, and wrap in aluminum foil.
Place in refrigerator to cool and firm. Slice and serve.
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