August 20, 2015

As I was kneeling on the cement backer board and on the tiles, my knees were saying, “Ouch!”, it dawned on me that I have a kneeling pad for gardening. Yes, that little pad made quite a difference. That is my tip of the day.
We removed the mirror before I started tiling.
◄ Note that the strong boys that I have, yanked on the shower rod and have marred the paint on the walls. There is a two by four there and I will be attempting to drill holes in the cups on the ends and attaching those to the two by fours with screws. Hopefully, that will take care of the problem!
Side note, I saw curtain hooks that have little balls on them at Joann’s the other day. Presumably, this keeps the hook from getting caught on the rod and having one of your children yank the whole thing off the wall. Has anyone tried these? I am thinking it might be a wise investment.
My son, Jon-Michael, who worked for several years at Lowe’s in plumbing, said now is the time to change out these water line turn off valves for the sink and the toilet. He said they rust from the inside out and though they look fine, after eighteen years, the odds are they are not. Since we have easy access now, it is prime time to do it.
Dave and I removed the mirror without breaking it. Only two drywall screws held it at the top and two held it at the bottom. Yikes! We slipped a pry bar behind the metal strip and carefully, but easily, pried the screws out of the drywall. There was no glue holding it at all! It did make for easy removal.
Crown molding is the next step for the bathroom. Dave is getting antsy to put the vanity in place, but the crown has to go up first. Then he will be moving the light fixture. It was centered over the big mirror. The smaller mirror and the light fixture will be centered over the sink.
Then the wallboard will have to be patched and repaired where the light fixture was moved and the vanity was removed. The thicker baseboard will have to be installed, caulked, and then painted.
Speaking of paint, using the color fan, I did choose a different color for the bathroom. I love the Reef Blue” still, but I do have another half-bath and a bedroom in that color. Using the ‘foolproof way to choose paint’, I decided upon Dublin Gray, another Sherwin Williams paint color. It’s a soft gray that I matched from the tiles. It will make a beautiful background. So now my bathroom 2 makeover continues!