October 5, 2015
Attaching The Skeleton, Gauze, and Lamp to The Wreath
Imagine this DIY Halloween “Skeleton Wreath” hanging on your front door. I think it is unique and perhaps, as a friend said, a little bit “steampunk“. The frame was a bargain for five bucks a year or two ago. The first element attached to the frame is the creepy gauze fabric I found at the dollar store.
Next, attach the lamp. An eye screw is attached to the back of the frame and the lamp is held by florist wire. In total, four eye screws are attached to the back of the frame and used to wire the skeleton, the sign, and the lamp to the frame.
Making The Skeleton Look a Little More Real
The skeleton was half off at the craft store. Great deal but his hands are straight and flat. Contemplating different options, I pick up his hand and try to bend a joint slightly. It bends a little so I bent each joint a little and the hand looks better, so I went back over each one and pushed a little more, thinking that even if I broke one, I could glue it back together.

You can see how the joints look a little whiter where each is bent. Doesn’t the hand look better? I want the hand to look like it is beckoning visitors.
This poor guy! I bent him, wired, hot glued, and even drilled a hole through his heel! Wiring him to the frame seemed the best option but I wanted his foot up on the frame. I wrapped the wire around his ankle, but it didn’t lay right, so I drilled a hole through his heel, threaded the wire through, and attached it to an eye hook on the back of the frame.

At first, I tried to wire his hands where I wanted them but that did not work so well. So, I bent his legs, arms, and wrists in the position desired and hot glued the joints. Obviously, I had to hold it until the glue set, but it seems to be working!
Adding Other Elements
I found three black twigs with just a little sparkle at the craft store. Two were hot glued to the top of the frame and one is glued to the lower left side and bottom. Black flowers were considered for this project, but sometimes less is more. I had planned on spray painting some old silk flowers with black paint. As I add the leaves, I don’t think it really needs the flowers. (The leaves are hot glued.) A ribbon bow is made and attached with florist wire.
Making The Sign
The sign is created on PicMonkey, a photo editing site. I love that site! Then, print it out on copy paper and Mod Podge to black foam board, which can be purchased at the dollar store. Then, the blacken the edges where the white foam is visible with a black felt-tip sharpie.

Then, allow this to dry, and apply another coat of Mod Podge over the sign.
Protect The Sign with Varnish!
This wreath is displayed on our front door, which doesn’t get a lot of rain on it, but it does get some on occasion. Because of that, I painted three coats of indoor/outdoor varnish.
The leaves, which are from our yard from last fall, are Mod Podged to the wreath. The brown leaves echo the brown in the sign. Hopefully, this Halloween “Skeleton Wreath” is a standout in our neighborhood!
If you like this Skeleton Wreath, you will love this ►Pumpkin Wreath!
This post is featured on Grammy’s Grid – “A Themed Linkup 3 For Pumpkin Crafts and Recipes!”

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I recently found this among my Halloween Pinterest recommendations and wanted to let you know I tried to make it for myself. While I wish there was more step by step detail in how you made this, it did push me to create my own means. I’m not all that familiar with ribbon-work and I’ve never used some of the items in your post like Mod Podge, so it was a challenge, though I think I did okay because I never had to retry anything. All in all it was an easy build. I’m mostly surprised I was able to cobble together the parts in June, so far from Halloween. Thank you for posting this. I think it will help my new outdoor decor look a million times more visible.
Your wreath turned out great! I especially love the words from The Wizard of Oz! Brilliant! My prime objective is to inspire others by sharing my humble projects. You have made my day. Thanks!
Would you sell this wreath? Best, Gita
No, Gita, thank you but I’ve disassembled the wreath and made the pumpkin head wreath with it! If you follow the directions, it is pretty easy to make though. pumpkin head wreath ►https://myhumblehomeandgarden.com/2017/10/19/finishing-pumpkin-wreath/
Love it, it turned out great!! I would have never thought of using a frame. Thanks so much for linking up at #AThemedLinkup 2 for All Things Halloween. Shared.
Thanks for hosting! I love the idea of a themed linkup!
Great, glad to know!! I’m thinking about doing pumpkin recipes for the next one that starts on Oct 15. I don’t care for pumpkin but I know a lot of people do.
I like the pumpkin idea!
Maybe pumpkin crafts and recipes 🙂
Brilliant! I love it! Already have a couple planned…
Great 🙂
Congrats! Your post is FEATURED at #AThemedLinkup 3 for Pumpkin Crafts and Recipes from my previous #2 Linkup – All Things Halloween!
Awesome! Thanks, Dee!