April 30, 2016
This site catalogs irises. There are so many, it is overwhelming, but I never had a clue there were so many old varieties. I think this particular variety is ‘Alcazar’, but I am not sure. I have posted the question on my Facebook page if you know for sure what this variety is, share on my Facebook page.
We had some of this same purple variety at home, where I grew up in southwestern Indiana, but I never knew the name of it then either. The previous homeowner had planted them.
There are three other varieties of iris in the garden. One is a lovely periwinkle blue and another is a deep, almost black, purple. Two of the periwinkle blue irises bloomed this morning!
The giant dark purple irises have buds now. Soon there will be huge blossom on those!
The other is a dwarf peach colored iris, but I am not seeing buds on it and it is usually the first to bloom. Thinking it is going to have to be moved because of crowding from other perennials, I have a spot in mind.
It was a beautiful day yesterday, a perfect day for weeding the gardens. With watching grandkids, and neglecting the gardens, I felt like the weeds were getting away from me. Today and tomorrow are supposed to be clouded with rain and thunderstorms. Knowing this, I worked as hard and quickly as possible yesterday. At the end of the day, I was pretty happy with the progress made.
The columbines are really blooming profusely this year. There is only one variety of columbine in the garden, Aquilegia vulgaris ‘Winky Red’.
When I was out this last week, I picked up a dahlia bulb, “Tahiti Sunrise.” This dahlia is supposed to grow to about two feet tall and bloom profusely. I can’t wait to see the flowers, which are supposed to be six inches wide! The blooms are bi-colored in red and yellow.
Some of the dahlias from last year are already popping up in the gardens. I love the gorgeous blooms from these flowers.
Another day in the spring garden, I love the gorgeous spring flowers!