August 2, 2016

This is the red climber, “Don Juan”. The rosebuds are gorgeous, but the blossoms are equally beautiful, especially in the early morning! With the sunshine on them, they look a little lighter. In the shade, the petals almost look like deep red velvet. They are gorgeous!
The morning sun on the petals of “Don Juan”, showing off little drops of the rain from the night before, makes a beautiful picture.
The morning sun on the petals of “Don Juan”, showing off little drops of the rain from the night before, makes a beautiful picture.

Although the Climbing Rose “Blaze” is blooming now, I love this picture of the blooms from earlier in the season. So, I chose to share it with you. You can see that it has blossomed in big clumps. They are gorgeous! The red is not as vibrant as the ‘Don Juan’, but they are beautiful in those big clumps!
This beautiful “Peace ” Hybrid Tea Rose is doing well and blooming in the garden. If you remember, Dave gave this to me for Mother’s Day this year. The way the lower petals have pink on the edges seems to remind me of a petticoat, soft and pretty.
Another hybrid tea rose, “Love” was given to me by my oldest daughter, one year on Mother’s Day. You can see the contrasting white and red velvety petals on this beautiful rose.
The beautiful “Joseph’s Coat” climbing rose is growing like crazy and these beautiful blossoms have so much color in them. The description on the tag with this rose said “orange flowers with red edges”.
Yes, there is that on some of the blossoms, but it seems to me that there is a lot of yellow, peach, and pink in some of these, too! Yes, these three were on the same plant, the same day! They certainly do seem to have ‘coats of many colors’.
On the north side of the house, is a curved walk made of pavers. It winds around the corner of the house. Visitors walk through a metal arbor, which supports the red climbing roses. The positioning of this walk and arbor was intentional. Since the path isn’t completely revealed, there is a little mystery! I wanted to create a vignette, which would draw people into the garden and backyard.
One of my daughters informed me that a neighbor that she had met, had told her that she had always wanted to see the rest of my backyard. I guess the plan was successful.

These yellow rose blossoms are on the “Sunny Knock Out” rose bush, which greets visitors along that walk to the backyard. It has dark foliage in contrast to the bright yellow blossoms and is winter hardy to Zone 4. It needs at least 5 hours of direct sunlight a day.
The “Sunny Knock Out” rose is pretty carefree, but those nasty Japanese Beatles love the pale blossoms. Right now, I am fighting them and can’t wait until they are gone!
Don’t you love this time of year? Right now, you can Peek In The Garden and See Big Beautiful Rose Blooms!