September 6, 2016

Since then, there are several pins on Pinterest with variations on this idea. Some have been covered with burlap, fabric, or yarn, some painted brightly, some glittered, and a host of other ideas have been used.
[ctt template=”8″ link=”IEcod” via=”no” ]Need some Autumn acorns to decorate your home? Then, you’ll love this easy craft on How To Make Beautiful Acorns from plastic Easter eggs![/ctt]
Classic Acorns
Liking a traditional and classic look, I chose to paint the plastic eggs black. Don’t they look to have an understated elegance? Wrapping them with jute just gives them an interesting textural element. What is better than a classic black?
You won’t believe how incredibly easy this little project is! It came together in no time at all.

Supplies Needed
First, you need plastic Easter eggs. Over the years, I have accumulated plenty of them. Take them apart and place them on a piece of cardboard or a surface, where you can spray paint. As you can see in the picture, a variety of sizes were used. Using a variety of sizes makes things more interesting.
You will also need Aleene’s Tacky Glue. This glue works quickly. If you try using regular white school glue, you will drive yourself crazy!

You will also need whatever type of string or yarn you choose. If you plan to make stems, you will need a stick.
You will need spray paint. I used Krylon Colormaster Paint and Primer in Black Satin. This paint is for use on metal, wood, plastic, and more. The keyword here is ‘plastic’. I will say that this paint worked beautifully. (We are an Amazon affiliate and will receive a small percentage of any sales from this link at no cost to you. Thanks for supporting this website!)
Directions For Making The Acorns
Then, paint the eggs with your choice of color. Follow the instructions on the can and paint outside or in a well-ventilated space. Make sure to use at least 3 light coats of paint instead of one heavy coat. Heavy coats of paint usually result in ugly drips, which you do not want. Patience is a virtue. Aren’t they already beautiful?

They dry in only 10 minutes with this paint, but it is suggested you wait 1 hour to handle it. Since I was making dinner, that was easy enough to do!
Applying The String To The Acorns
At first, I applied the glue to the string and laid it on the egg, starting at the point where the two pieces of the egg come together. You want to cover the most rounded end of the egg, not the pointed end.
Forget that! It is much easier to just apply the glue to the egg in a line on that seam where the egg snaps together, lay the jute string over the top of it, and hold it for a minute or so. Then continue applying the glue next to the jute already applied, laying the string in the glue, and holding until almost the entire cap of the egg is covered.

Attach The Stem To The Acorns

If you are planning to attach a stem, you will need to leave an open area the diameter of your stem at the very top. Having a river birch tree in the front yard gives us plenty of sticks to use for crafts. One of those was used for the stems on these. For each of the stems, just cut a small piece with the garden shears.
In an afternoon, you could easily make a bowl full of these DIY acorns! Who would believe they are plastic Easter eggs?

Need some little Autumn touches for your home? Hopefully, this post on “How To Make Beautiful Acorns For Displaying Now!” will inspire you, too!
Need some more Autumnal decor ideas? ◄Click here.
This post is linked with “Oh My Heartsie Girl’s” Friday Feature Linky Party and Friendship Friday Blog Party Social Media Boost on “Create With Joy”.
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List of Link Parties Where I Visit and Share Posts
- Beautifully Made Link Party 70 for Crafts Home Decor and DIY Projects!
Easy DIY Beautiful Classic Acorns - Wonderful Wednesday
- Friendship Friday – Create With Joy
- Friday Features Linky Party
- Grammy’s Grid – Unlimited Monthly Linkup Party
- Home Matters Linky Party
- Saturday Shuffle at Strawberry Butterscotch
- Creative Compulsions Linkup Party