September 10, 2016

While making cheesecakes, cakes and brownies are routine here, the good old pie has not been a dish I make often. Chicken pot pie is a regular here, but not dessert pie. I can remember making a favorite French apple pie frequently when I was in high school. But truthfully, I haven’t made that in years either.
Cider Caramel
This recipe calls for ‘Cider Caramel’, which I had never made before. I am not even sure I have ever heard of it! It is really easy to make. The hardest part was figuring out if it had reduced enough. When I thought it had, I just poured the cider into a glass measuring cup and measured it. I was surprised at how close my guesstimate was!
Use Cookie Cutters For A Decorative Top On The Cider Caramel Apple Pie
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On Pinterest, I have been pinning a lot of beautiful pies lately. Using cookie cutters, people have been making gorgeous pie crust tops. It just so happens that I had picked up these little leaf cookie cutters at the end of the season last year.
They are so neat! After cutting the shape out, you simply push down to press the design on the dough! These worked really nicely. After cutting a few leaf shapes, the dough began to stick to the cutter. So, I popped them into the freezer for a couple of minutes and they worked perfectly again.
[ctt template=”8″ link=”FCB0E” via=”no” ]You need to make this outstanding cider caramel apple pie! The thick caramel sauce is delicious with the tender apples and the rich buttery crust. [/ctt]
Cider Caramel Apple Pie
Preheat oven to 350°
- 6 cups sliced Granny Smith apples
- 1/2 cup brown sugar
- 1/4 cup all-purpose flour
- 1 tsp. cinnamon
- 1/4 tsp. salt
- 1/4 tsp. ginger
- 1 tsp. vanilla
- *1 cup cider caramel – warm
- 1 large egg – beaten
**Retrieve the previously prepared pie dough (recipe below) from the refrigerator and leave on the counter to rest for about 15 minutes. Then, while it rests, lightly grease the pie plate and make the apple filling.
Prepare The Apple Filling
Place the peeled and sliced apples in a large bowl.
Measure the brown sugar, flour, cinnamon, salt, and ginger into a small bowl and stir with a fork.

Pour the dry ingredients on top of the apples in the bowl and stir.

Add the vanilla to the cider caramel. Beat the egg in a small bowl. Then, add the egg and the cider caramel-vanilla mixture to the apples and gently stir together. Set aside.
The Dough
On a lightly floured board, roll one of the disks of dough into a 1/8″ thick round. Gently lay the dough over the greased pie plate. Then, lifting the dough on the outer edges, allow the dough to sink down the side and into the pie plate. If you forcefully stretch the dough down with your hand, it may shrink and pull away from the top edge during baking.
Roll the remaining disk into a 1/8″ thick round and using cookie cutters, cut shapes out to apply to the top of the apple filling.
Assemble The Cider Caramel Apple Pie
Add The Apple Filling

Arrange the apples in the pie pan on top of the prepared pie crust. Then, pour the remaining apple cider mixture on top of the apples.
Top With The Pie Dough Leaves

Arrange the cut shapes of dough on top of the pie filling. Lightly brush the shapes with an egg wash or heavy cream. Sprinkle raw sugar over the top of the pastry leaves.
The top should be lightly browned and the filling should be bubbling. Remove from the oven and allow to cool before serving.
**Pie Crust: (This is a Martha Stewart recipe.)
- 2 – 1/2 cups of all-purpose flour
- 1 tsp. of salt
- 1 tsp. of sugar
- 1 cup of unsalted butter, (2 sticks – cold and cut into pieces)
- 1/4 cup of ice water, (more, if needed)
Measure the flour, sugar, and salt into the food processor bowl. Pulse a couple of times to combine the two. Cut the butter into pieces and add to the mixture. Then, pour the water into the feed tube and process until the mixture comes together and the dough almost cleans the side of the bowl. If needed, add more water a tablespoon at a time.
Don’t process for more than 30 seconds!
Divide the dough in half and place each half on a piece of plastic wrap. Then, shape the dough into a ball. Fold the plastic wrap over the dough, flatten, and shape into a disc. Refrigerate these for at least one hour. This can also be made the day before the pie is made.

*Apple Cider Caramel:
- 4 cups of Apple Cider
- 1/2 cup Brown Sugar
- 1/4 cup Butter
Boil the apple cider in a heavy saucepan for about 25 minutes, until the cider has reduced to 2 cups. Then, stir in the brown sugar and the butter. Continue to boil until the mixture reduces to 1 cup. This can be made a day in advance, covered, and refrigerated.

The butter will rise to the top and you’ll have to warm it before using in the recipe.

Well, my daughter Tiffany inspired me to make this pie and it is quite tasty. The thick caramel sauce is delicious with the tender apples and the rich buttery crust. It even met with Dave’s approval. Maybe there will be more pie-making in my future. You need to make this outstanding cider caramel apple pie, too!
Click here ►for more dessert ideas!

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