Spring Mantel Ideas
March 7, 2017
Last year, I found this adorable bunny at Hobby Lobby. I loved it so much, I decided to go back and buy another one. Wrong. They were all gone by the time I got there! Don’t you hate when that happens?
This year, when I saw these bunnies back again at Hobby Lobby, I purchased another and a smaller version, too. Aren’t these the cutest bunnies? I could just imagine them on the fireplace mantel.
Contemplating removing the clock again, I decided against it. I love that it is black and loving those little black touches throughout the house, I couldn’t… (Rationalizing.) Besides, the tips of the bunny ears show up nicely in front of it.
After placing the two larger bunnies on the mantel, it seemed something was missing. They needed something nestled between them. The thought of a little nest with the antique-looking eggs I made earlier this week came to mind. A trip to Michael’s and the Dollar Tree was necessary. Michael’s had the little 7-inch nest and Dollar Tree had inexpensive moss.
Reindeer Moss
Have you ever heard of ‘reindeer moss’?
Turns out reindeer moss is actually a lichen of the genus Cladonia, which the reindeer eat. Who knew? Regardless, I liked the green color of it and picked up a bag for a dollar! Unlike regular moss, this is really soft. I love it!
The Nest
Although the reindeer moss-lined nest with the eggs looked okay, it seemed to need a little something more.
So, a couple of pieces cut from a spring floral bouquet were gently bent to curve around the nest. While that looked nice, the thought to add a little ivy to this to give it a little more interest came to mind.
You see the workings of my simple mind. While the flowers added a different color and texture, there was still something missing. The little pieces of ivy added that little extra understated touch. Subtle, but isn’t it perfect?

Vases And Flowers
A few weeks ago, the two orchids in the picture were purchased at the local grocery. Although they are still blooming, it seemed replacement flowers a little more indicative of the season were needed to welcome spring.
So at Sam’s Club, there were more orchids but as I was reaching for a white one to put in the cart, the thought of spring tulips popped into my head. Yes, white or ivory spring tulips just seemed right at that moment.
Stopping at two local Kroger stores on the way home and searching in the floral departments, I couldn’t find an appropriate pair of tulip plants. Where are the tulips now when I need them?
Totally disappointed, I headed home. Looking at the mantel again, I contemplated using a different set of vases. Setting one on the mantel, the idea of using some of the silk floral stems leftovers from the nest came to mind.

Isn’t the big vase on the right beautiful? Yes, but you know what? I think the smaller vase actually looks a little more delicate and spring-like. Don’t you?
Height And Negative Space
Using little wire cutters, the stems were cut from the bouquet and placed in the vase. When the stems were first placed in the vase, they were too short. Wine corks do come in handy. I just piled some in the vase and voila! Perfect height!
Notice that I also switched the birds around. With the smaller vases, it seemed the one on the right would now draw the eye back to the mantel. I like the negative space all around the elements. You can definitely see the triangular composition in this one, which is always pleasing to the eye.
Triangular Compositions
Notice that in this triangular composition there are multiple secondary triangular compositions, as indicated by the blue and red lines in the picture below. Although each of these triangular compositions has almost identical items, you could create a similar triangulation with completely different items.
Typically, liking something a little understated, this spring mantel idea is very appealing to yours truly. More elements could be added but sometimes restraint is a good thing. Don’t you agree?
Hope this has helped motivate and inspire you to create your own spring mantel decor! Spring Mantel Ideas – Simple and Understated.
For more ideas, check out this Quirky Spring Mantel◄.
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