Everyday Pipe Lamp Parts You Need to Know! You’re finally ready to tackle that Amazing Pipe Lamp and have the list of parts in hand. The only problem is, what the heck are these things? Floor flanges? Elbows? Pipe nipples? If only there was a cheat sheet to remind you of what they look like. Well, lookie here! Now there is!
The Pipe Fitting Cheat Sheet is a quick reference made just for you! You don’t have to worry about all of the technical jargon of the plumbing aisle. The cheat sheet has a picture of each part and the name for each part is printed right below its picture. Just think of how easy it will be to show your local hardware associate your cheat sheet and say, “I need one of these.”
Pipe Fitting Cheat Sheet

Our local Ace Hardware has a great staff that goes out of its way to help us finish our latest project. Every now and then though, we can’t quite describe what we’re needing. Although they have probably heard it a million times, a “doojey flop” is not a technical term and won’t help them determine our needs. That’s when we laugh, pull out the phone, and point to our cheat sheet!
Are there other fittings? Yes, while looking to see if there were any quick references, I kept finding sites with literally hundreds of parts. Most of these aren’t even stocked at the big box stores! These all have their own special model number…not something that would be easy to cross-reference.
However, these 16 fittings on this list are the most commonly used and are universal for galvanized and black iron pipes. The pipes in this list are more than enough to get you on your way to creating your own works of art.
Jon-Michael and I are working on another pipe lamp and will be sharing a step-by-step of that soon. (Check out how to make your own Amazing Pipe Lamp ◄here.) We are planning some other projects, too. There are so many unique things you can make with pipes!
Industrial Pipe Lamps
How To Create Your Own AMAZING Industrial Pipe Lamp
Industrial Pipe Robot Lamp – How To Make Your Own
Industrial Pipe Robot Lamp – How To Make Your Own – Part 2
Everyday Pipe Lamp Parts You Need to Know
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