Have you seen the Japanese gift wrap techniques featured on Pinterest? This is a simple step by step showing how to actually DIY! It’s not nearly as difficult as you might expect and the end results are stunning. You can imagine these wrapped up in beautiful Japanese papers or soft delicate pastel papers, but they look extra special with colorful everyday gift wrap, too!
My granddaughter’s birthday is this week. So, of course, the method I wanted to use would not work on the big box I was wrapping because of the wrapping paper not being wide enough. The leftover ends, as indicated by the arrows in the picture, were only long enough to fold halfway up the bottom and top flaps. I’ll remember that for next time! Buy wider wrapping paper. For this time, though, I changed the plan a little.
Supplies Needed:
- 1 roll of gift wrap
- 1 roll of contrasting gift wrap
- scissors
- ruler
- clear invisible tape
- double-sided tape
- ribbon
Large Gift Wrap With Contrast Band
Wrapping The Gift
After a little consideration, this method seemed the best option for a larger box. (This box is 15-3/4 inches x 23-1/2 inches by 5-1/2 inches deep.) First, lay the large box on the wrapping paper sideways. Fold the right end over an inch or two and crease the fold with your thumb and forefinger. Position the crease about one-third of the width of the box. (The band of contrasting paper will cover this edge. This will be the top edge.)
Now, pull the left edge up over the box and, making sure the right folded edge is long enough to overlap the left edge, mark the left end, and cut the paper from the roll.
Tuck the cut edge under the folded edge, pull the paper up securely, and using double-sided invisible tape, tape the folded edge on top.
Finishing The Ends
Fold the paper around the edges of the box and crease the edges. Push the paper back along the top edge and the bottom edge of the box and crease the folded edges.
Flip the box upside down with the seam side down. You want the flaps with the seam facing downward away from the top side.
Smooth the paper over the edge of the box and crease the paper along the bottom edge.
Cut off the excess along the folded edge. Then, fold up the bottom flap and crease along the upper edge of the box.
The flap should have the seamed side from the top of the box. This side will be facing down and the end of the folded piece won’t be visible from the top when it is finished.
Lay the flap back down, fold along the edge, and crease firmly with your thumb and forefinger.
Tape the top flap, (which is actually the one from the bottom of the box,) down with clear tape or double-sided tape. This will be covered with the remaining flap. Then, apply double-sided tape along the inside flap edge and secure it to the box. The end result should look like this. Repeat on the opposite side.
Contrasting Band
Cutting Gift Wrap Band Piece
Now, cut a piece of contrasting gift paper long enough to wrap around the box where the seam is on the top adding a little extra for overlap.
Next, wrap the contrasting paper around the box and add a little to overlap on one side and fold under a little for a clean edge.
For this box, I cut the paper 10-1/2 inches wide. How did I figure that would be sufficient?
I simply took a piece of typing paper and folded it the way I wanted the end product to be folded and tried it on for size. I added a little extra for good measure and cut. You want the band to look proportionate. A smaller box would need a thinner strip of paper.
Then, fold one long edge up about 1/2″ along the edge and crease well.
Folding The Gift Wrap Band
Pull the folded edge up to the desired width,(For this box, I made the folds 2-1/4 inch thick.) fold and crease. I used a ruler to keep it pretty true. For this length, I thought it was a good idea. For a shorter length, it might not have been as necessary.
Continue to fold over and crease the paper until you have something that looks like this picture. There should be 3 folds in total.
Then, unfold what you have done. The result should look like this.
Lay the paper, right side up folded edge to the left, pinch the second fold, pull up 1/2 inch, and fold over the first section. Then, crease and smooth nicely with your hand.
On the second fold, pull up 1/2 inch and fold over the third section in the opposite direction. Turn the last section under.
Ultimately, the end result should look somewhat like the picture below.
Attaching The Band
Lay the paper band out and position over the seam on the box. One end piece that covers the seam on the top of the box should be left straight. The other end that wraps around the box should be folded as in the picture below.
Then, position the folded piece on the edge of the box and tuck the opposite end under the folded edge. Secure the edge with double-sided tape.
Final Touches For The Gift Wrap
Give the folded sections more definition by flaring the edges up with your thumb and forefinger. You can see the difference in the photo above.
Now, wrap a ribbon around the middle section of the band and tie a bow. Isn’t this unique? Yet, it is so easy! I have three more small gifts and will share more ways to wrap gifts this week. Those will be fun, too.
The inspiration for this came from Shiho at Shihomasuda.com.
For more wrapping ideas, click here►Beautiful Gift Wrapping – Step by Step Ribbon Bows and here ►DIY Ribbon Bow – Untie and The Entire Ribbon Is In One Perfect Piece. If you are crafty, you might like making your own little boxes. Click here►How To Make Perfect Little Boxes For Gift Giving.

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This post has been shared with Karren Haller’s, Oh! My Hearstie Girl’s ► Wonderful Wednesday.