Do you really need a theme for a bridal shower? Maybe not but it will make it so much easier for you to focus and more easily choose everything, from food to decorations. A theme doesn’t have to be elaborate or over the top. The theme for our bridal shower included pink roses and a color palette of gold, white, off-white, rose, and pink. Sounds simple, doesn’t it?
Doesn’t it just make sense to have a common thread that carries throughout the decorations and the food tying everything together? It helps keep your focus and lends a feeling of simpatico or continuity.
Start The Theme at the Front Door
The theme began at the front door. A DIY wreath greeted guests. This was a quick and easy project! I didn’t have a chance to stop at the dollar store and buy a hula hoop but there was a used one in the garage!
Sophie, my granddaughter has used this hula hoop to the point of scarring it permanently on the abrasive concrete drive and sidewalk. You can see some of the foil-wrapped on it is completely gone and peeling off the hoop.
So what? My plan was to use Design Master 24 Karat Pure Gold Spray Paint to cover this hoop. I thought the raised pieces would add character and it reminded me of gold leaf foil.
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A few thin coats of spray paint and the hoop looked quite nice. I love the little imperfections after the hoop was sprayed in gold!
Decorating The Painted Hoop
After the hoop was completely covered with gold paint and dry, three pieces of eucalyptus were wired to the hoop with 22-gauge green floral wire. The eucalyptus on the left faced upward and the ones on the right were wired, one downward and one upward.
A few stems of flowers in my floral supplies, which were leftovers from another project, were placed on top of the eucalyptus until a pleasing composition was achieved. Then, the stems were wired to the hoop with the floral wire. Some of the flowers were hot glued to hold in a particular position. Remember that you are the master and can manipulate and glue them into the position you want!
At this point, pretty pleased with the result, I felt it needed something else. Then, I remembered a sign I had seen when shopping the day before. I hesitated and didn’t buy it! Making a quick trip to Hobby Lobby, and I had the last element needed for the wreath.
Then, I added the gold glittered ‘Mrs.’ sign I found at Hobby Lobby. With their app, I pulled up and used their 40% off coupon at checkout. Using fishing line, I tied the sign onto the hoop. It was the perfect addition.
Plan And Execute a Cohesive Bridal Shower
Do You Really Need a Theme for a Bridal Shower? There are many different styles of wreaths and ideas we could have come up with for the front door but by narrowing the focus, this style, the materials, and the colors were easy to choose. It makes it so much easier to plan and execute a cohesive event.

Inside the front door, a column of balloons in the theme colors caught the eye of our guests. Click here for instructions. ►How to Make a Beautiful Balloon Column.
Check out the posts below on how we carried this theme throughout the house and party.
Great Ideas For A Bridal Shower
Do You Really Need A Theme For A Bridal Shower?
How To Make The Perfect Floral Ice Cubes
How To Make A Beautiful Balloon Column
4 Little Sandwiches Perfect For A Lovely Bridal Shower
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