How to make the perfect floral ice cubes? How simple could this possibly be? Well, the first thing you must know is that the water you use is critical to having beautiful clear ice cubes.
For this, you must use distilled water. You must also boil the distilled water before adding it to the ice-cube trays if you want crystal clear cubes.
If you use the regular size ice tray, the ice cubes will melt too quickly. It is advisable to get one of the trays that makes the 2″ square ice cubes. I only had one of the large square ice-cube trays. A few days before the event, I began making the ice-cubes. This could have been done a few weeks earlier, too.
At the grocery, there was a large bouquet of pink roses in clusters. The rose blooms were actually bigger than what I had wanted. Don’t you always see these things and then go back to find them and they are gone?
These rose ice cubes are not for placing in drinks. They are for using to ice the champagne. If you are planning to use the cubes in drinks, you will need to use edible flowers.
How To Make The Floral Ice Cubes
Roses or flowers ready, pull out the tray and pour the distilled water into the ice-cube tray. Then, pour the water in the tray into a saucepan and bring it to a boil. Allow the water to cool. Boil the water a second time and allow it to cool. (Take note of how high the water is in the pan for future reference. You’ll need to repeat this.)
Pour a small amount of the cooled water into the bottom of the tray. You can see in the picture that there is around 1/4 – 1/2-inch of water in the bottom of the cube openings. Next, cut the flower head off the stem and place it upside down in the ice-cube tray openings. Note that these rose blossoms fill up the bottom of the tray pretty nicely.
Fill all of the cube openings with water and rose blossoms. Then, place in the freezer and allow to completely freeze. If you pull them out too quickly and pour the water on top of the roses, they will thaw and float. You want these to be frozen to the bottom.
Place the leftover water in the refrigerator until the roses and water are frozen. Then, pour a little more water over the roses in the tray. Place back in the freezer and allow to completely freeze.
Lastly, pour the remaining water into the ice-cube tray and allow it to completely freeze. After these are frozen solid, remove them from the tray and place them in a Ziploc freezer bag, and store them in the freezer. Repeat the process until you have as many as you wish.
Display In A Clear Container!
Oh, yeah, and remember how I wanted smaller roses? Well, these were so beautiful, I am glad that the smaller ones were not available! In the picture below, you can see the ice cube on the far left had a smaller zinnia from my garden in it. Those were not nearly as beautiful as the roses! I was kind of shocked at how pretty these were!
You have seen these flower ice cubes in tubs on Pinterest and in magazines. The full beauty of them is lost sometimes if the tub is opaque. You can only see them from the top! Here’s a solution to that problem! I found this clear acrylic tub on Amazon! The rose ice cubes were so much more visible through this clear tub! I love it! Even the little girls could see the cubes from the side.
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This picture was taken near the end of the bridal shower. The smaller ice at the bottom had melted quite a bit and there was a bit of condensation on the tub but you can clearly see through the tub and the rose ice cubes are visible.
Click here to see more rose ideas for your bridal shower!
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How To Make The Perfect Floral Ice Cubes
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