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You’ll Love Krohn Conservatory – A Crystal Holiday Display
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The Krohn Conservatory sits in Eden Park located in the Walnut Hills and Mt. Adams neighborhoods of Cincinnati, Ohio. Here, you can also find the Cincinnati Art Museum and the Cincinnati Playhouse in the Park. Perhaps because of my love of flowers and gardens, this conservatory seems to beckon me. They have such beautiful seasonal displays. The butterfly display in the spring is one of my favorites. This Christmas season was no exception though.
I had wanted to visit before Christmas, but preparations for our annual party kept us from that. There just was not time. It all worked out for the best anyway. This year for Christmas, we bought our grandson Aidan and granddaughter Sophie, Canon Elph DSLR cameras. Unwrapping his gift, Aidan was so excited when he realized what it was, his little hands were shaking! (We are an Amazon affiliate and may receive a small percentage of any sales through this link at no cost to you. Thanks for supporting this website!)
They came to stay with us a couple of days after Christmas. Aidan had left his camera here so I could help him with it. (Sophie’s was at Mom’s house.) He brought Chewbacca, his action figure with him, intending to take pictures of him. When I told him we were going to Krohn Conservatory and explained what it was, he was elated! Imagine all the backgrounds for Chewbacca!
Krohn Conservatory’s 2018 Holiday Show – A Crystal Holiday
Aside from the evergreens and the beautiful poinsettia tree, a model train display chugs through a miniature version of Cincinnati. The tiny replicas of points of interest in Cincinnati and the surrounding area are constructed of natural materials. There are also tiny fairy houses and gardens! This Crystal Holiday show is only through January 6th, 2019.
Applied Imagination is the group of creative artists, botanical architects, and landscape designers who created this masterpiece! They are an award-winning group which has created original public garden exhibits and displays across the country. The use of plant materials to create these historic buildings, structures, and fairy worlds makes their exhibits extraordinary.
The Model Trains
After thirty-six and a half years of working for and then retiring from the railroad, you can imagine that the model train display caught Dave’s attention.
Notice that the trestle is made from slices of branches or small trees, pieces of branches, and twigs! The engine is C&O and there is also a Chessie System caboose.
Chessie System Model Train Caboose
Cincinnati Landmarks
The replica of the Twin Towers in Cincinnati is nestled among bright red poinsettias, peace lilies, coleus, and tiny white flowers on diamond frost Euphorbia. Can you believe the detail on these buildings? Remember that they are made from all natural materials! (We are an Amazon affiliate and may receive a small percentage of any sales through this link at no cost to you. Thanks for supporting this website!)
A Kid With A Camera
Give a kid a camera. Totally different views but The Twin Towers with Chewbacca looking on was Aidan’s idea! Love this shot!
More Cincinnati Landmarks
Just behind the Twin Towers, you’ll see the Taft Museum of Art and behind it and to the right, the Cincinnati Union Terminal.
Tyler Davidson Fountain
Here is the Tyler Davidson fountain, the real fountain is actually located in downtown Cincinnati on the square at the corner of 5th and
Vine Street.
They even created a miniature Krohn Conservatory complete with plants inside.
Fairy Houses
There is a display of numerous fairy houses alongside cacti and succulents. Each little house is constructed of different materials, no two alike. Not inspired to make your own? You can find adorable fairy houses ◄ here!
(We are an Amazon affiliate and may receive a small percentage of any sales through this link at no cost to you. Thanks for supporting this website!)
National Parks
This year, there are national park features on display, too. I was surprised to see the Big Bone Park display. Just south of us in Union, Kentucky is Big Bone Lick State Park.In the park, Bison are visible every day of the year. There is a museum, camping grounds, hiking trails, fishing, picnicking, miniature golf, swimming, tennis, and too many things to enumerate. They have displays on paleontology, Ordovician geology, (part of the Paleozoic era,) ice age mammals, Native American history, and all about Big Bone.
My favorite feature at the Krohn holiday display is the Statue of Liberty. I have not actually seen the Statue of Liberty in New York but I have seen the one in
Paris, which is a smaller version. Standing about 72 feet tall, it is still pretty impressive. This diminutive statue is none the less impressive.
Krohn Conservatory And Eden Park As A Background
Aidan posed his Chewbacca all over the Krohn. Many people noticed this young man posing and taking pictures of his action figure and they seemed amused. One passerby commented on what a great idea he had. He took some great pictures!
His little camera is a Canon Elph 180. I am actually shocked at the quality of the pictures for such an inexpensive camera. (We are an Amazon affiliate and may receive a small percentage of any sales through this link at no cost to you. Thanks for supporting this website!)
Close to the parking lot, we walked along the wall overlooking the Ohio River, Aidan posed his Chewbacca and took some more pictures. He and Sophie thoroughly enjoyed this day. Next time, we will make sure we have her camera, too!
You can print out a coupon for $1.00 off admission for up to 4 people here.►Krohn Conservatory. The Crystal Display is only open until the 6th of January 2019. Plants from the holiday display are offered at a big discount on January 8th at 10:00 AM.