Piecing Together The Beautiful Spring Mantel Display
Anxious to hang the striped ribbon wreath over the fireplace, I didn’t even bother to remove some of the leftover items that were part of the last display. Usually, removing everything from the mantel and starting over with a blank slate is the best thing to do. Rules are made to be broken, right? This beautiful spring mantel is proof of that…
After hanging the wreath, stepping back, and admiring it, I noticed the mercury glass candle holders were a nice contrast to the ribbon on the wreath. There is just something that seems right with them being there. So, they stay but everything else is removed.

My daughter, Tiffany, was here as this scenario played out on this spring day. She suggested the white bunnies would be a nice addition. I retrieved them one at a time and placed them on the mantel. Yes, she was right. (These were also a part of the Spring Mantel Idea – Simple and Understated.)
Adding A Visual Base
Then, stepping back and taking another look, it seemed some smaller and shorter objects were needed to create a visual base for the composition.

With this in mind, I remembered the clear ball glass vases I purchased a couple of months ago. These were in the clearance aisle at the fabric store. I love the shape of these little glass vases. Four vases for five bucks was pretty cheap and I bought two packs. These vases are actually marketed for wedding decor. Just because it is marketed for one purpose, doesn’t mean you can’t buy it for another purpose! I thought they would look fantastic filled with flowers and lined down the middle of a table. (We are an Amazon affiliate and may receive a small percentage of any sales through this link at no cost to you. Thanks for supporting this website!)
Place two of the glass vases under the wreath. Step back, tilt your head to the side, consider how it looks, and you realize two more are needed. (I have a habit of tilting my head to the side when I’m pondering something.)
Retrieve two more from the kitchen and place one on each end.

Step back. It’s immediately clear that I need another right in the middle. There, it looks balanced now.
Color Options
Now, what to put in the vases? Initially, I had thought to use real flowers. Then, thinking about having to replace them as they die, silk flowers seem more appealing. What color? Pink? No. Blue? No. Red, since it is my favorite color? Yes! But this is spring. Then, taking a cue from the golden wrap on the candles, I considered yellow.
Yellow just happens to be Sophie’s favorite color this year. She seems to change her favorite every year or so. This year it is yellow. For this reason, she is happy with my color choice.

It just so happens that I have some pale yellow silk flowers in a bin in the storage room in the basement. Placing one of the peony flower heads in each of the two center vases, I soon realize that a little green color from a leaf is needed. Then, in order to rest nicely in the vase, I removed a couple of the lower leaves. Yes, that looks nice. The yellow definitely echoes the gold and yellow tones of the wrap on the candles. Flower blooms placed in each little vase carry the yellow across the mantel.
Know When To Stop
In addition, some tiny blue flowers were in the bin, too. I placed one alongside a yellow peony blossom and decided it was too much. I like the simplicity and restfulness of the pale yellow color without the jolting blue. Know when to reel it in and stop. Sometimes less is more.
Now, you have some insight into the workings of this humble mind. There is a method to my madness. Do you have a different method for creating your mantel displays?
So, here it is! I love it! Again, you can see that there is a strong triangular composition to this display. You can read more about that here.◄

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Linking with OhMyHeartsieGirl Friday Feature Linky Party.
Debra thank you for stopping by #omhgff to share your blog, I love your mantel ideas, the liitle flower vases are so cute and add so much, perfect for spring!! Thank you for the link back as well!! 🙂
Hope you have a lovely week! Happy spring!
Thank you for visiting! Glad you like the little vases. Just that little bit of yellow made the mantel say spring! Thank heaven it is spring! Hope you have a happy one, too!
Be sure and stop by and share again this week on Friday Features!! Happy Speing!
Thank you, Karren! Will do.