Steps For Making A Hauntingly Beautiful Halloween Tablescape
This beautiful Halloween tablescape began with the idea of pairing a silver charger with red Fiesta dinner plates and skeleton salad plates. Although orange might be your first instinct, you know I love red and I went with it.
Layer Tablecloths On The Table

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To begin with, you’ll want to cover your bare table and create a nice foundation. Cover the table with a plain tablecloth. I love this spiderweb and bat tablecloth. Although you can layer other colors under the spiderweb and bat tablecloth, I chose to use plain white. The contrast makes the spider web more visible.
Center the spiderweb and bat tablecloth on top of the white tablecloth.
Inspiration For The Tablescape
Before I began this process, a stack of silver chargers, red Fiesta dinner plates, and black and white Halloween salad plates as table settings floated in my mind. We already have the silver chargers and the red Fiesta plates. All I need is black and white salad plates.

I remembered having seen some black and white Halloween plates at HomeGoods. Fortunately, I had to make a trip out that way and picked up a set of skeleton salad plates. The busy design on these plates makes a nice contrast to the plain red plate and silver charger.[ctt template=”8″ link=”rAmeZ” via=”no” ]It just makes sense that when you create a new display, you already have some of the perfect objects to add to the display. When creating a display, shop your home![/ctt]
Choosing The Centerpiece For The Tablescape

As I looked at the stack of plates on the tabletop, the silver cake pedestal in the dining room hutch caught my eye. With the dangling crystals and the open pattern on the sides under the mirror, wouldn’t that look neat with these plates? It looks kind of old. It needs something red… This large red candle came to mind.
Obviously, at this point, something with color and texture is needed. Red silk chrysanthemums in the storage room jumped out at me. Perfect.
Often, you have items that you can reuse. If you think about it, you have a style. You have color preferences. It just makes sense that when you create a new display, you already have some of the perfect objects to add to the display. When creating a display, shop your home!
Adding The Silk Flowers To The Tablescape
These silk chrysanthemums came as a bush. Previously, they had been cut from the bush and used on a different display. This time around, as you can see in the pictures, the stems are bent in a circular fashion to wrap around the candle.

Push some of the leaves up close to the flower heads to make it easier to weave the stems in among the others. Be sure to twist and turn the flower heads to make them look more realistic or to make them face a different direction if needed. You want to cover the stems pretty well.

After creating a pretty good foundation with the flower stems, cut some of the remaining stems short and place them strategically to cover any bare spots.
Add More Details For A Beautiful Halloween Tablescape
A couple of black feathered crows add a little texture and interest to the table.

Cut Glass
It just seems that this tablescape begs for more ornate items. Instead of using simple lines in glassware, the cut-glass seems to be appropriate.
Napkin Roses
My initial plan included adding those white plastic vampire fangs. I couldn’t seem to find any! The dollar store had some but they were much too small.
Well, the skulls seemed to take over the theme and I nixed the idea of the teeth anyway. Playing around with the napkin, I ended up deciding to shape them into roses. You can see the skull better with the rose napkin. (Sophie liked this idea.)
If you remember, I made napkin roses for a Kentucky Derby party. Click here ►for the how-to for making napkin roses.

These skulls caught my eye at the dollar store. Initially, I plan to place this one in a glass dome I have. The skull is a little too big, unfortunately. They carry the skull theme through on the tablescape and even though these are just cheap plastic, I think they look pretty neat.
So there you see the workings of my mind as I piece together a hauntingly beautiful tablescape. It’s simple and striking, too.
Click here ► an idea for another Halloween tablescape idea.
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