This year, as I was contemplating fabulous Christmas mantel decor, the vision of a multitude of Santas came to mind. A few weeks ago, I found a Santa bust at Hobby Lobby. I love it! Adding some of the Santas from our collection, how pretty will that be?
On that same day, a Santa painting caught my eye. Unfortunately, I am height impaired and the painting was out of my reach. Being short has its perks. Being able to reach things on the top shelf is not one of them. The store was way too crowded and busy to try to get help. Later, right?
By the time I got back a few days later, the masses had swooped in for the holiday sales and bought a ton of Christmas decorations, including the one Santa painting that had caught my attention. Settling for a different Santa picture, I trudged through the entire store, picture in hand, looking for a better option. Ultimately, it just wasn’t saying, this is the one. Placing it back on the shelf, empty-handed, I left.
Another Store, Another Mantel Idea
Undaunted, I trudge through another craft store with no luck. Then, the last stop was at Joann’s.

A big 24-inch square red and gold framed sign with Merry Christmas in white greeted me. Well, if you follow me, you know that red is my favorite color. Of course, it called my name. I am a grammy, but even my hair is a very natural red-violet! Lol!
Anyway, a new vision for this year’s mantel began to take shape as I purchased and then carried the wall art to the car.
Christmas Mantel Decor – Wall Art and the Santa Bust
First, I hang the Merry Christmas art on the wall.

After placing the Santa bust on the mantel, I added a couple of red candles in brass candleholders for height. As I began to unwrap the bin of Santas, I found this Santa and Christmas tree. It seemed a good piece to help balance the Santa bust.

We’ve talked about creating triangles in compositions before. You can begin to see visual triangles forming in this composition.

Continue adding Santas from your collection.

Fill in around the larger Santas with smaller Santas. My collection has expanded. There are too many to display on the mantel. So, the display overflows onto the tables on either side of the fireplace.

Do you have a holiday collection? Maybe this post will inspire you. Is your mantel ready for the holidays?

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