April 10, 2015

The spring sideboard display features beautiful daffodils. The daffodils are still blooming in my gardens. They have been for a couple of weeks. Have I told you how much I love growing flowers? In my gardens, daffodils are the harbinger of spring. The miniature daffodils are the first to bloom in the garden. I love their cheery yellow color.
They inspired my little tray display. They are held by a little pitcher, which I purchased in an antique store in either Beaufort or Morehead City, North Carolina. I can’t remember which, but I hope it is still there. We are going back there for vacation this summer.
I love this little basket tray! It usually sits in my living room, displaying a teapot, some books, and a bowl of seashells, which we collected on one of our trips to the beach. I felt the arrangement needed some more texture, so I borrowed it.
This is the sideboard in my kitchen eating area. If you look at the rest of my house, it may be surprising that this piece was chosen. Most of my furniture is not Craftsman style at all. It would probably not be what a decorator would choose, but I loved it and so there it is.
Underneath the tray and lamps is a table runner, which I made back in the 80’s. The design on it is candle wicking, which is a form of embroidery done with unbleached cotton thread on unbleached cotton muslin. This was composed almost completely of French knots. I love it. It is one of my favorite table runners.
Above the sideboard is one of my paintings, oil on canvas. Of course, it features one of my favorite things, flowers! Even in the dead of winter, ( I am not a winter loving person.) I still have tulips to remind me of spring.
The little chocolate bunny is one of two. How many times have you wished you had two matching knick-knacks? I admit I am one of those people who loves symmetry. I have started buying two of so many things because, in the past, I have often wished I had a mate for one thing or another. Have you done that, too?
Side note. Two of my children, who are adults now, were eying the bunny as if they were about to eat it! Seeing that look in their eyes, I warned each that it was ceramic. They each laughed and conceded that they were questioning whether it was really chocolate or not. It looks pretty convincing!
The bunny on the left was one I found years ago at Homegoods. It has a little pot where I tuck little flowers, grass, and eggs or candy when it is displayed each spring. The bunny is understated and classic.
Underneath is a basket, which I bought for a lovely picnic idea when I was a junior in high school. It was one of those ideas, which did not play out as planned. That was a long time ago! I still love the basket today and it seems to complete my ‘Spring Sideboard Display’.