July 27, 2015
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The kids played the ladder ball game, aka hillbilly golf, in the backyard. Our eight-year-old grandson beat our oldest son in this game! We have two pretty competitive, athletic boys who are in their twenties. Needless to say, Aidan was pretty proud of his win. I picked this game up at Sam’s for forty-five dollars. From what everyone was saying, it is well made and better than any they had used in the past. It seems to be a game that even the little guys can play well.
The guys and some of the ladies played seriously competitive games of cornhole on the drive. That game seems to be such a draw and it definitely takes a little skill, or at least, practice!
DIY Backyard Baby-q bash Food Ideas
We did serve the food buffet style inside because of the heat. Since it had cooled down a little and there was shade, guests, for the most part, ventured outside to eat. We served Tyler Florence’s pulled pork barbecue. (It was the first time I had actually made this recipe. I have admitted before that I often try my recipes out on my guests!) This recipe is so good, I will be using it again. We served it with an extra bowl of Tyler’s southern style barbecue sauce and also Sweet Baby Ray’s barbecue sauce.

Dave grilled burgers on the grill after I prepared the burgers using the best burger ever recipe I shared in an earlier post.
Paula Deen’s recipe for coleslaw is my favorite and that is what I prepared earlier in the day. It only takes about ten minutes to make it. We always have a vegetable tray at all of our gatherings. The kids always ask if I am making a veggie tray.
Although I don’t use paper plates often, we had so many guests, we used Chinet plates. We used patriotic napkins, and the forks were contained in Mason jars. Red Solo cups were offered for the fresh-squeezed lemonade.
The little buckets with the blackboard oval or square on the front were found in the one-dollar bins at Target. Little red bowls, which I have had for years, fit in the top and the ridge around the top of the bowls sit on the bucket perfectly. The chalk labeled containers let everybody know what was inside.
DIY Backyard Baby-q bash Dessert Ideas
The dessert table included China plates. We have a collection of old mismatched dessert sized plates. I love them because they are so pretty. They were picked up at garage sales, thrift stores, and flea markets. If one is broken, it is not a calamity.
Mini cherry cheesecakes in mini cupcake liners of red, white, and blue and a 25-minute chocolate cake were the selected desserts. They weren’t completely gone, but there were very few leftovers.
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Tiffany, my youngest daughter, let Aidan and Sophia bring one of those Balloon Bonanza Water Balloon Makers we have been seeing on TV. Each bundle makes forty water balloons and ties them off in no time. I was not thrilled with the thought of that at first. However, Memphis’ dad and the kids had such a good time with them, I am glad they got to enjoy it. As Aidan walked up to the deck after the last balloon, I heard him exclaim, “This is the best party ever!”
This is the first time that I have planned a couple’s baby shower. It will not be the last if I am lucky! It was really enjoyable. I think I would make the pulled pork barbecue the day before. The leftovers were as good, if not better, the day after. Overall, it was a good day. I thank the Lord for giving us a beautiful day in the end so that we were really able to enjoy this DIY backyard baby-q bash!
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