November 15, 2016
Tips and How to Create a Magical Snowman Wreath – Part 2
For The Snowman-Part 1◄ Click here. The idea for this snowman wreath, of course, was found on Pinterest and sold on Etsy. The wreath is so adorable, loaded with Christmas ball ornaments, but maybe just a bit ostentatious for my taste. This is a more humble version including the tips and directions to make one of your own and put your own spin on it, which I would love to see if you do!
The search for a wreath form that would accommodate the snowman head, and hat, and be a good base for the extras to be added took a little bit. Most of the craft stores had decorated wreaths, which were half-price for 40 bucks! I settled on a ‘teardrop’ wreath found at the At Home store in Florence, Ky. It was $12.99.
‘Fluffing’ Your Wreath

It needed to be fluffed, the pine cones removed, the pine branches unbent, and straightened. In the, ‘after’, you can actually see the teardrop shape. It’s such a simple thing, but it’s amazing how much better your artificial wreaths, swags, and garlands look after this process.

After fluffing the wreath, the snowman is placed on top of it for positioning. Then, the branches of the wreath are flattened, where his head would be secured to the wreath, by forcing down the greenery with my hand.

Two of these berries – pine cone – greenery bushes are disassembled, cutting each where they connect to the main stem. The red berry branches are then nicely positioned around the wreath.

Floral paddle wire is used to attach greenery picks to the base wreath. A branch of the greenery is added to the bottom of the wreath to extend it a few inches.
A few of the pine cone greenery branches are added to the sides and one is added to the top.

It is easier to first, lay about 1/2 – 3/4 ” of the wire along the end of the pick stem and hold it with my left hand, wrap the wire around it with my right hand to secure the wire. Then, place it on the branch where it is to be placed and wrap it to secure it, creating an extension to the branch. In the end, I wrap the wire 3 times and bend the end, and push it into the branch.

Before securing the snowman head to the wreath, and the plaid bow is attached. Trying to be sure it will stay securely in place, the wire used to pull the bow uptight and securely twisted is threaded through the Styrofoam, back up and around the wooden skewer. Then, it is secured to the skewer.
Paint The Skewers Green And Wire To The Snowman Wreath
At this point, I notice the skewers inserted into the head, which would be used to secure the wreath, are really noticeable. Painting them a pine green color with acrylic craft paint make them almost invisible.

After letting them dry, the skewers above the head and below are both securely wired to the main branch of the wreath.

Then three white flocked stems, cut from a large bunch, are wired together at the base and securely wired just above the head at the base of the stems. Two more of these are placed on either side of the head and another under the snowman head facing the bottom of the wreath.
When I hung the wreath, several times during this process, and stood back to look at it, I realized the pine cones were not showing very much. Using a small paintbrush and white acrylic craft paint, I tipped just the edges with white paint. You can see the difference in the picture above. The pine cones on the left side are not painted yet. What a difference that makes!
Attaching the Hat
Next, is positioning the hat. The hat I made, is half of a hat. The back is flat and the brim stops on both sides. A floral pin is stitched to the brim with black thread and needle on both sides of the hat, close to where the brim and crown meet. These are then inserted into the top of the foam head. It works perfectly.

Inside the crown of the hat I made, I added some quilt batting left over from another project. I thought it would help keep the hat from collapsing.
Using the needle and thread in the center of the hat on the backside, stitches are made and wrapped around the main branch of the wreath, too.
Five plastic snowflakes from the dollar store are added for a little more sparkle. The snowflakes seemed appropriate. I may tweak it a little before hanging it after Thanksgiving, but don’t you think it turned out pretty well?
December Update: This little bird from Target seems to be begging to sit atop the snowman’s hat. Isn’t it perfect?

Tips and How to Create a Magical Snowman Wreath, I hope this inspires you to create a whimsical wreath of your own!
Tips and How To Create A Magical Snowman Wreath
Part 1
Tips and How To Create A Magical Snowman Wreath
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