Designer Envelopes – The Easy Way!
These Designer Envelopes are an Easy DIY! I seriously cannot believe how quick and easy it is to make envelopes with this little gizmo! Have you seen this little envelope punch board in craft stores? Well, I had not and when I saw it, I had to buy it!
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Don’t you just love tiny envelopes? They can hold so many things, little notes for the kid’s lunchboxes, coins, a lock of hair for a memory book, a homemade Valentine, or some seeds for someone special.
My idea is to make tiny envelopes for our ‘Christmas Game’. ◄(Scroll down on this page to see some of the cards I’ve made in past years.) Each year, I buy a bunch of items and make cheesy little gift cards to go with the gifts. This year, I think the cards will be attached to the top of the gift and the family can read the cards out loud before opening the gifts.

Envelope Sizes and Uses
Have you ever messed up the envelope for a birthday card, anniversary card, or whatever and had no backup replacement? This is the solution! The chart on the front gives the measurements for an envelope for up to a 6″ x 8-1/2″ card! The smallest is for a 2″ x 3-1/2″ card!
Not only does the punch board make one size of an envelope, but it also makes lots of sizes! Emily and I had so much fun making her ‘Will You Be My Bridesmaid Gifts and Boxes‘ using a similar We R Memory punch board for the boxes. They turned out so cute!
How The Envelope Punch Board Works
The envelope punch creates fold tabs on one side and on the other side of the punch, it rounds the corners. On the front of the punch board is a chart where you can match the card size you have, the size of the paper you need, and the 1st scoring line measurement, where you need to align your paper. Having it right there on the face of the board is brilliant! No need to search for paper instructions! Not that I have ever had to do that!
After choosing what size envelope you need, you simply cut paper the size indicated on the chart. You will want to do this neatly and an X-Acto Mat, an X-Acto knife
, and a metal straight edge
will help keep everything straight and precise.
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How To Use The Envelope Punch Board
Next, you need to line the paper up with the corresponding score line and press the punch down.
The next step is scoring the line using the scoring tool.
Rotate the paper 90° clockwise.
Line up the score guide with the line you just scored. Press down on the punch to make the fold tab and using the scoring tool, score along the scoreline.
Continue turning the paper 90° clockwise and repeating these steps until all four sides have been punched and scored. Your paper should look like this.
Place one of the corners in the “Reverse Punch” located on the top side of the punch board. Press the punch to create a rounded corner. Repeat for the remaining three corners.
Fold on the scored lines and using the scoring tool, slide the blade along the folded edge to make nice sharp folds.
Gluing The Envelope
Dab a small amount of Tacky Glue along the underside of the bottom flap edges and fold over the two side flaps. Tacky Glue is thicker than regular school glue and holds more quickly. You only need a thin line along the edge, allowing a little room for spreading when folded and pressed together.
Isn’t this great? It looks perfect and this is the first envelope I made with this little jewel!
No more boring envelopes! Now we can make Designer Envelopes for every occasion and every season! If you try this DIY Craft, please post a picture of it on social media and tag us @ #myhumblehomeandgarden.

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