What To Do With These French Yogurt Glass Jars?

What to do with These French glass yogurt jars? on MyHumbleHomeandGarden.com

French Yogurt Glass Jars

Ways to repurpose French yogurt glass jars?   What are French yogurt glass jars anyway?  Well, I had no idea these even existed!  Two coupons for free Oui French yogurt were printed out and handed to us the last couple of times we went to the grocery.  So yesterday, Dave picked up a couple of these yogurts at the grocery, used the free coupons, and brought them home.

What to do with These French yogurt glass jars? on MyHumbleHomeandGarden.com

As I was unpacking the groceries, I realized these little French yogurts were in glass jars!  What?  My mind immediately went to ideas of what to do with these jars.  The idea of throwing them out seemed utter nonsense.  Yes, and plans to buy more were already brewing and I hadn’t even had a taste of the contents!

Okay, so I had one for lunch.  These are really good!  In fact, these are my new favorite yogurt and the containers are adorable!

Mini Dessert Serving DishesWhat to do with These French yogurt glass jars? on MyHumbleHomeandGarden.com

Imagine all the mini desserts you could serve in these little glass jars!  They aren’t fancy.  They are more rustic and simple in their design.  My mind was racing with ideas for mini desserts to serve in these little containers!  The  Strawberry JELL-O Parfait Mini Desserts, the 4th of July Firecracker Mini Desserts,  the Candy Corn JELL-O mini desserts, or the St. Patrick’s Day Mini Dessert would each look great displayed in these French yogurt glass jars!

Aside from all the pudding or JELL-O desserts, serving hot apple crisp right out of the oven in them with a mini scoop of ice cream came to mind!  So, I made some quick and easy apple crisp!  How cute is this?  The grandkids will love these!

Mini Vases

What to do with These French yogurt glass jars? on MyHumbleHomeandGarden.com

How about using them for mini vases?  I can’t wait for spring to get here and all of the beautiful flowers in the gardens.  For right now though, a bouquet from the floral department can be separated and displayed in a couple of these.  A whole row of these down the table would be eye-catching, too!

Salt Scrub Container

What to do with These French yogurt glass jars? on MyHumbleHomeandGarden.com

Remember the Secret of the Islands Coconut Exfoliating Salt Scrub I picked up when we went on vacation to the beach last year?   This scrub makes your hands feel so incredibly soft.

  Transferring a little of this into one of these mini yogurt jars, along with the wooden spoon, and placing it in the powder room looks adorable and makes it so handy!  (We are an Amazon affiliate and may receive a small percentage of any sales through this link.  Thanks for supporting this website.)

What to do with These French yogurt glass jars? on MyHumbleHomeandGarden.com



 Yes, I could pretty this jar up with ribbons, lace, labels, or a hundred other ideas but it would end up with oil from the scrub on it.  Simplicity is best here.  Lol!




Valentine Candy Gift Jar

What to do with These French yogurt glass jars? on MyHumbleHomeandGarden.com

Isn’t this adorable?

By filling a clean yogurt jar with some tiny hearts candy and adding a little round of fabric, a cute Valentine gift was created. 

What to do with These French yogurt glass jars? on MyHumbleHomeandGarden.com







 A round plastic quart container lid was used to draw a circle on the back side of the fabric.  Then it was cut with scissors.  You could use pinking shears if you like.  The round of fabric was centered over the jar opening and secured with a rubber band wrapped around the top of the jar and over top of the fabric.  Make sure the fabric is hanging down equally all the way around the jar.  A tag was threaded onto a length of ribbon and the ribbon was wrapped around the jar top and tied into a bow.  The tag was created on PicMonkey, cut out with scissors, and a hole was created with a hole punch.

How many more ideas must there be for these little jars?  For right now though, I guess we’ll be  eating more of this French yogurt and starting our own collection of these French yogurt glass jars!

This post has been shared on Oh My Heartsie Girl Friday Feature Linky Party.

What to do with These French yogurt glass jars? on MyHumbleHomeandGarden.com





2 comments / Add your comment below

  1. How cute, I like it. I pinned this! Thanks so much for linking up with me at #AThemedLinkup 10 for All Things Love and Valentine’s Day, open January 30 to February 10.

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