Delicious fruit sorbet can be made so easily and you won’t believe how much better homemade is! Sophie was wanting a fruit dessert and fresh strawberries were in the fridge. She was excited to try something new and when I suggested fruit sorbet, she was intrigued.
Sophie and Aidan were asking how sorbet was different from sherbet. You may wonder what the difference is, too. A sorbet has only fruit, sugar, water or juice, possibly liqueur, and no milk or other fat. Sherbet is similar to ice cream in that it contains milk, cream, or another fat.
Sophie and Aidan kept saying, ‘sherbert’ instead of ‘sherbet’ and I corrected them. To prove me wrong, Aidan looked it up on his iPhone. He acquiesced.
While sherbet is considered a dessert, sorbet is usually used as a palate cleanser. You could serve it between an appetizer and a main course. But sorbet makes a nice light dessert, too, and it is delicious!
Strawberry Sorbet
Makes about 2-1/2 cups
- 1 pound ripe strawberries, chopped
- 1/2 cup sugar
- 1 tablespoon fresh lemon juice
- 1 tablespoon Grand Marnier
Wash the strawberries and remove stems and leaves. Place in a food processor and process until puréed. Add the sugar, lemon juice, and the Grand Marnier. Pulse until well combined and the sugar has dissolved.
Transfer to a glass bowl and chill the mixture in the fridge for two hours or more.
Pour the mixture into an automatic ice cream maker bowl. Turn on the ice cream maker and follow the manufacturer’s directions. The sorbet will have a soft creamy texture. If you want a firmer texture, transfer the mixture to a freezer-safe container, seal, and freeze until serving time. If the sorbet is too firm, you might want to allow the sorbet to soften slightly on the counter for 10 or 15 minutes before serving.
This Cuisinart Yogurt-Ice Cream and Sorbet Maker is so nice! I store the freezer bowl in the freezer and it is always ready for the next time. Since the bowl is double-insulated, it eliminates the need for ice. (We are an Amazon affiliate and may receive a small percentage of any sales at no cost to you. Thanks for supporting this website.) With this appliance, frozen desserts are done within 20 to 30 minutes, depending on the recipe and the amount you are making.
[ctt template=”8″ link=”969U0″ via=”no” ]Delicious fruit sorbet can be made so easily and you won’t believe how much better homemade is! [/ctt]

Peaches are on the shopping list. We are already planning a peach version of this scrumptious dessert!
Click here for more dessert ideas ►Desserts.
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