The spring flowers are making a spectacular display this year! Each year the perennials bloom, but typically there’s a progression of blooms beginning with the apricot-colored ‘Betsy Boo’ irises and our ‘Pink Champagne’ Clematis. This year the Betsy Boo irises and the clematis began the blooming progression.
Blooming Irises
Typically, our periwinkle blue irises begin blooming first. Then, when they finish blooming, the purple irises start blooming. This year, it was like an explosion of blooms all at once!

You can see some of the many irises in the picture above.
We’ve had the periwinkle blue irises for many years. Dave dug a start of the purple irises from a ditch along railroad tracks a few years ago. We must have planted them in the perfect place because they have multiplied greatly.
A cluster of blue-violet Siberian iris set against a lime-colored hosta makes a stunning display. Our oldest son gave us a start of this pretty iris. Dave’s friend gave us the start of the yellow flag iris.

My favorite iris in the garden has to be the deep purple iris. My brother, Dave, gave me a start of this large deep purple iris.
Petite Knock-Out Roses
We had a rough cold, windy, and dry season the winter before last. The boxwood shrubs growing along the paved walk to the garden were dying. I called them our dormant shrubs. They had massive windburn and weren’t very attractive. Apparently, many boxwood shrubs in the area also took a hit.

We removed them. When I say we, I mean that Dave dug them up and removed them. I replaced them with Fire Engine non-fading Red Petite Knock Out Roses. Aren’t these adorable? I love them!
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These need full sun and the mature plants are only 18 inches tall. When I planted the petite roses, I used Miracle-Gro Quick Start Planting & Transplant Starting Solution. I highly recommend the Quick Start.
These bloomed all summer last year and into the fall. You can see that they are already blooming this year. Two weeks ago, I used BioAdvanced All-In-One Rose and Flower Care Granules around the base of my rose bushes and the climbing roses.
The granules protect from a lot of insects, including Japanese beetles. It also has Fungicide that controls Black Spot, Powdery Mildew, Rust, Southern Blight, and more. My roses have been the best ever for the past couple of years using the Bayer fertilizer.
Lazy but Effective Garden Ideas Using Spring Flowers
The empty dairy container caught my eye as I carried the Proven Winners Strawberry Sauce hanging pot to the backyard. It seemed the perfect spot to set the pot of flowers temporarily. I took a look and it seems perfect there. My intention to buy some annuals for the pot seemed moot.
The Strawberry Sauce hanging pot is a ‘Proven Winners’ combination of Superbells Strawberry Punch Calibrachoa hybrid, Laguna Cloud White Lobelia Erinus, and Superbena Royale Romance Verbena hybrid. Since some of the flowers are trailing, the green plastic pot is not even visible.
It seems the perfect spot for these beautiful flowers!
Remember a couple of years ago when I bought hanging flower pots, removed soil from the large porch pots in the front, and set the hanging pots in the holes? Just remove the plastic hangers. It works like a charm. Click here ► for more gardening ideas.
At the end of the season, I just remove the pot and replace it with a fall pot. No need to pull out old plants, pull out and detangle roots, or clean up spilled potting soil. This is an easy cheat to make your porch pots look great instantly.
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